vga's blog

Шаблоны документов: Предложение (Project Proposal)

Sat Feb 02, 2008 11:01 am

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Project Proposal

Версия 1.0

Дата создания

Фамилия И. О.

Контактная информация:
Фамилия И. О.

Полное название организации

1. Введение

1.1 Назначение
Документ Project Proposal содержит общие требования, описания и предложения в соответствии с теми характеристиками и решениями, которые могут быть использованы. Он содержи оценкупроектных рисков и предложения по управлению этими рисками, решения возможных проблем, оценку времени и ресурсов проекта. Данный документ является отправной точкой для начала процесса утверждения проекта.

1.2 Предмет
Предметом данного документа является продукт <Project>, а также его особенности и требования к нему.

1.3 Термины, определения и соглашения
1.3.1 Аббревиатуры
1.3.2 Соглашения

1.4 Ссылки
[Данный подраздел предоставляет полный список всех документов, на которые имеется ссылка где-либо в Project Proposal.]

НомерНазваниеДата и ИздательствоАвторКомментарий

2. Назначение проекта

[This section should describe what the project is supposed to accomplish including the business drivers and other justification as deemed appropriate. For example, why did the customer request the project and why did the GSO consider it important to go forward?
Expected results
Target Audience]

3. Предмет проекта и требования

[Description of the project scope in summary and requirements in more details as you know it so far is in this section. Highlight what is requested to be included as well as what is excluded. Try to be as specific as possible. For example, list the functionality that has been agreed to so far. It can always be changed later within a document scope. The items in this section should also roll up to your objectives.]

4. Опции

[In this section list and detail all options for consideration. Include all pros and cons including benefits and risks per option.]

5. Рекомендации

[In this section identify which option you recommend and why. Provide as many details as possible. You can also provide an alternate recommendation, if appropriate.]

6. Timeline

[This section should describe the high level timeline with milestones where known. Describe any phasing strategies here. The timeline should roll up to your objectives.]

Major MilestonesPhasesStartDeadlineComments
General FTE----

7. Межпроектные зависимости

[Describe or list in detail those projects or systems which either have an impact on this project or any project(s) this will impact.]

8. Допущения

[List any assumptions used to develop this document. For example, IT will provide a DBA, sys admin, etc. Assumptions could include any data points you used in order to come up with any commitment in this document.]

9. Известные риски

[Known Risks are unanswered questions which need to be monitored/addressed in the future. Known Risks will probably end up necessitating a change to this document.]

10. Ответственности

[Describes the responsibilities of "parties" involved in this project]

11. Ресурсы

[Resources to be allocated for this project]

11.1 Human Resources
[List of roles/specialties with number of people for each of it]

11.2 Software Resources
[List of software tools necessary for the development team]

11.3 Hardware Resources
[List of hardware equipment necessary for the development team]

12. Утверждения

[Этот раздел предназначен для того, чтобы фиксировать согласие с вышеизложенным и, фактически, подписывать, визировать данный документ]

Person NameTitleApproval DateStatus

История изменений документа


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