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Testing Overview | Типы тестирования

Thu Apr 10, 2008 9:22 pm

[ Category: Шаблоны документов ]
This Article defines the various types of testing from a technical perspective. For most SAP projects, the key types of testing are discussed in Process terms – Unit Testing and Integration Testing. It is important to understand how all types of testing are used to ensure quality and completeness.

These definitions should be used to help ABAP Developers understand how testing fits into the context of the project.

A. Unit Testing.

In the context of an SAP project, the term 'Unit testing' is used by Process Team Members to signify any testing done to validate that configuration is working as intended. This is usually part of an iterative process. A design is created based on a business process. This design mandates that certain configuration be completed in SAP. As this configuration is done, small tests are done along the way to ensure that it is working as intended. Once all of the Unit Testing has been completed successfully, the configuration is considered complete.

In summary:
Owner – Process Team Member
Objective – Ensure that configuration works as intended
System – Development System

B. Technical Testing.

Technical Testing – Technical Regression Testing and Development Unit Testing. Technical testing is done to ensure that ABAP programs are working as intended. There are two types of testing which will be done to verify ABAP programs:
  • Technical Regression Testingis the testing which a developer does after completing the ABAP programs. This testing is done to verify that everything functions as designed – prior to involving a Process Team Member for further testing. If a “bug” is identified by a Process Team Member, a Developer will make the change and run a series of regression tests to ensure that the unaffected parts of the program are still in working order.

    Owner – Developer
    Objective – Test basic functions of program prior to involving the Process Team
    System – Development System

  • Development Unit Testing is the testing done by a Process Team Member to verify that the development is working as requested in the Functional Specification. Every development/FRICE object must be unit tested by the Process Team prior to moving it to the quality environment for Integration Testing.

    Owner – Process Team Member
    Objective – Verify that the development works as requested in the Functional Specification document
    System – Development System

C. Integration Testing

Integration Testing – Development objects will also be part of Integration Testing. Process Team Members must perform certain tests to ensure that these development items work in the context of a business scenario. For example, if an enhancement has been made within the 'Change Order' processing, this enhancement will be tested within Integration Tests designed to change orders. It is at this stage that development objects must be executed against 'production-level' security and the expected results validated.

Owner – Process Team Member
Objective – Verify that development objects work in integration environment
System – Quality System

D. Stress Testing

Stress Testing – This system must be able to accommodate the peak loads that will be placed on it as part of normal business conditions. Stress Testing is the act of testing the system performance by simulating peak business volumes. A substantial amount of analysis must be done to analyze and simulate these business conditions.

Stress Testing is usually owned by the Basis Team. This team works with the Process Teams to understand the peak business volumes to be placed on the system. This analysis helps the Basis Team create 'day in the life' scenarios which are re-created using a testing tool. They also create other scenarios to simulate activities like quarterly close and year-end close. The Process Teams are also involved to help set-up data required for these tests.

Load Testing is also done within the Stress Testing phase. This would involve identifying the peak loads for specific activities and using scripts to simulate these loads. The impact on the system would be analyzed. Any bottlenecks would be identified and a plan would be created to resolve these capacity issues. Some solutions may involve changing software settings while others will involve purchasing and installing new hardware.

A testing tool is usually used to 'record' and 'rerun' tests in order simulate system activity. For example, if the peak period for order entry includes a time where 60 Customer Service Representatives are entering orders, this can be recreated by the tool. An order entry scenario is 'recorded' and then 'played back' to simulate the affect of having 60 different orders occurring at once.

Owner – Basis Team
Objective – Verify that the system architecture can accommodate peak system loads
System – Quality System or additional environment created only for stress testing

Posted By: vga    0 Comments    С уважением, vga

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Пособие для менеджера от Кирилл

Sun Mar 23, 2008 12:10 am

Наткнулся на дневник от Кирилла Готовцева, несколько статей которого пересекается с темой моего блога.
К сожалению, в его блоге много мата, но тема освещена оригинально. Так что читайте прямо в оригинале, переносить сюда рука не поднимается.

Про кадровую политику

Posted By: vga    0 Comments    С уважением, vga

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Шаблоны документов: Информация о версии (Release Notes)

Sun Feb 24, 2008 5:07 pm

[ Category: Шаблоны документов ]

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Release Notes

Версия 1.0

Дата создания

Фамилия И. О.

Контактная информация:
Фамилия И. О.

Полное название организации

1. Введение

1.1 Назначение
Данный документ предоставляет исчерпывающую информацию о релизе продукта <Project>, включая общее описание релиза, новые возможности продукта, известные ошибки, недоработки, ограничения.

1.2 Предмет
Предметом данного документа является релиз продукта <Project>.

1.3 Ссылки
[Данный подраздел предоставляет полный список всех документов, на которые имеется ссылка где-либо в Project Proposal.]

НомерНазваниеДата и ИздательствоАвторКомментарий

2. Описание релиза

[Этот раздел содержит информацию о версии, о том, что вошло в этот релиз, о документации, лицензировании и т.д.]

3. Совместимые продукты

[Данный раздел включает в себя информацию по программному обеспечению, взаимодействующему с другими системами, а также информацию о совместимости различных версий.]

4. Установка и обновление

[Этот раздел содержит указания по инсталляции продукта (или ссылки на документы, описывающие процесс инсталляции), инструкции по преобразованию данных (если необходимо), и т.д.]

5. Новые возможности

[Список всех новых возможностей продукта.]

6. Известные ошибки и ограничения

[Список всех известных ошибок и ограничений, с предложениями по тому, как их обойти.]

История изменений

Person NameTitleApproval DateStatus

Posted By: vga    32 Comments    С уважением, vga

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Thu Oct 04, 2007 8:22 pm




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