Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 3:51 pm Post subject: Demo: GFW: a scatter chart with time axis
report gfw_prog_time_axis .
* data container
include gfw_dc_pres.
* text constants
include gfw_prog_text.
data: ok_code type sy-ucomm, firstcall type i,
custom_container type ref to cl_gui_custom_container,
dc_inst type ref to lcl_dc_pres,
dc_manage type ref to if_dc_management,
my_id_at_dc type i, retval type symsgno,
gp_inst type ref to cl_gui_gp_pres.
* USAGE allowed in SAP internal test reports, only
include applg_auto_test_init.
call screen 100.
* USAGE allowed in SAP internal test reports, only
include applg_auto_test_form.
*& Module PBO_0100 OUTPUT
* text
module pbo_0100 output.
set pf-status '100'.
retval = cl_gfw=>ok.
if firstcall is initial.
* create, initialize and fill data container
create object dc_inst.
dc_manage = dc_inst.
call method dc_manage->init importing id = my_id_at_dc
retval = retval.
if retval <cl_gfw>ok.
call method cl_gfw=>show_msg exporting msgno = retval.
clear dc_inst.
clear dc_manage.
perform fill_dc changing retval.
if retval <cl_gfw>ok.
call method cl_gfw=>show_msg exporting msgno = retval.
* create a container on the dynpro
create object custom_container exporting
container_name = 'CONTAINER'.
* create, initialize and activate graphics proxy
create object gp_inst.
call method gp_inst->if_graphic_proxy~init
exporting parent = custom_container
dc = dc_inst
prod_id = cl_gui_gp_pres=>co_prod_chart
force_prod = gfw_true
importing retval = retval.
if retval = cl_gfw=>ok.
* set dc attributes
call method gp_inst->set_dc_names
obj_id = 'OBJID'
dim1 = 'X_VAL'
dim2 = 'Y_VAL'
grp_id = 'GRPID'
objref_id = 'CU_REFOBJ'
importing retval = retval.
endif. "// set dc attributes
* set customizing objects
if retval = cl_gfw=>ok.
perform set_customizing.
if retval = cl_gfw=>ok.
call method gp_inst->if_graphic_proxy~activate
importing retval = retval.
if retval <cl_gfw>ok.
call method cl_gfw=>show_msg exporting msgno = retval.
endif. "//fill_dc ok
firstcall = 1.
endif. "//create and init dc ok
* **** distribute changes (to all subscribed graphics proxies)
if not dc_manage is initial.
call method dc_manage->distribute_changes
importing retval = retval.
if retval <cl_gfw>ok.
call method cl_gfw=>show_msg exporting msgno = retval.
* USAGE allowed in SAP internal test reports, only
perform auto_test_pbo using 'EXIT'.
endmodule. " PBO_0100 OUTPUT
*& Module PAI_0100 INPUT
* text
module pai_0100 input.
ok_code = sy-ucomm.
* activate event analysis of object-oriented Control Framework
call method cl_gui_cfw=>dispatch.
* handle other events
case ok_code.
when 'BACK'.
call method gp_inst->if_graphic_proxy~free
importing retval = retval.
leave program.
when 'EXIT'.
call method gp_inst->if_graphic_proxy~free
importing retval = retval.
leave program.
endmodule. " PAI_0100 INPUT
*& Form FILL_DC
* text
* --> p1 text
* <p2>e_gp_dchandle.
retval = cl_gfw=>ok.
* text
* --> p1 text
* <p2>if_customizing~set
exporting attr_id = cl_cu_display_context=>co_bg_clr_plt_id
value = 18. " grey
* disable lines
call method bundle_display->if_customizing~set
exporting attr_id = cl_cu_display_context=>co_bl_style
value = 1. " no line
* tell the proxy where to use the bundle
call method gp_inst->if_graphic_proxy~add_cu_bundle
exporting port = if_graphic_proxy=>co_port_diagram
bundle = bundle_display
importing retval = retval.
* drawing area (used to set chart title)
create object bundle_drawing exporting instance_id = 'GFWTA'.
* set title
call method bundle_drawing->if_customizing~set
exporting attr_id = cl_cu_drawing_area=>co_title
value = co_gfw_prog_title_time_axis.
* tell the proxy where to use the bundle
call method gp_inst->if_graphic_proxy~add_cu_bundle
exporting port = if_graphic_proxy=>co_port_chart
bundle = bundle_drawing
importing retval = retval.
* set color of line and markers
call method bundle_display->if_customizing~set
exporting attr_id = cl_cu_display_context=>co_bl_clr_plt_id
value = 7. " red
call method bundle_display->if_customizing~set
exporting attr_id = cl_cu_display_context=>co_mr_bg_clr_plt_id
value = 7. " red
* copy display context into values
call method bundle_values1->if_customizing~set
exporting attr_id = cl_cu_values=>co_curve_context
value = bundle_display.
* set chart type
call method bundle_values1->if_customizing~set
exporting attr_id = cl_cu_values=>co_style
value = 34. " xy scatter
* tell the proxy where to use the bundle
call method gp_inst->if_graphic_proxy~add_cu_bundle
exporting port = if_graphic_proxy=>co_port_chart
key = co_gfw_prog_series1
bundle = bundle_values1
importing retval = retval.
* set color of line and markers
call method bundle_display->if_customizing~set
exporting attr_id = cl_cu_display_context=>co_bl_clr_plt_id
value = 3. " blue
call method bundle_display->if_customizing~set
exporting attr_id = cl_cu_display_context=>co_mr_bg_clr_plt_id
value = 3. " blue
* copy display context into values
call method bundle_values2->if_customizing~set
exporting attr_id = cl_cu_values=>co_curve_context
value = bundle_display.
* set chart type
call method bundle_values2->if_customizing~set
exporting attr_id = cl_cu_values=>co_style
value = 34. " xy scatter
* tell the proxy where to use the bundle
call method gp_inst->if_graphic_proxy~add_cu_bundle
exporting port = if_graphic_proxy=>co_port_chart
key = co_gfw_prog_series2
bundle = bundle_values2
importing retval = retval.
* point (used to create a gap in series 1)
create object bundle_point exporting instance_id = 'GFWTA'.
* prepare display context for point
create object bundle_display exporting instance_id = 'dummy'.
* disable line segment
call method bundle_display->if_customizing~set
exporting attr_id = cl_cu_display_context=>co_bl_style
value = 1. " no line
* set color of marker
call method bundle_display->if_customizing~set
exporting attr_id = cl_cu_display_context=>co_mr_bg_clr_plt_id
value = 7. " red
* copy display context into values
call method bundle_point->if_customizing~set
exporting attr_id = cl_cu_point=>co_display_context
value = bundle_display.
* tell the proxy where to use the bundle
call method gp_inst->if_graphic_proxy~add_cu_bundle
exporting port = if_graphic_proxy=>co_port_chart
key = co_gfw_prog_objid_4
bundle = bundle_point
importing retval = retval.
* tell the proxy where to use the bundle
call method gp_inst->if_graphic_proxy~add_cu_bundle
exporting port = if_graphic_proxy=>co_port_chart_x_prim_axis
bundle = bundle_axis_x
importing retval = retval.
* The following scale bundles can be used to customize all time bar
* settings (e.g. start date, day width etc.)
* The first scale bundle the gp gets (via add_cu_bundle) is used
* for all settings of the minor scale.
* The second scale bundle the gp gets is used for all settings of
* the major scale.
* If you set only one scale bundle the gp uses it for both scales,
* minor and major.
* This file was generated by Direct Download Enterprise. *
* Please do not change it manually. *
GFW_PROG_TIME_AXIS 0100 0100 19 75192 35 0 0 19 75 0G E 20001113152510
CONTAINER 75 00 30 00 30 00 1 2 0 0 0 19 U 1 1 101
CHAR 20 80 10 00 00 00 255 1 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 ____________________
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