* const, include
include com_product_const001.
include com_product_const003.
include com_product_const009.
include com_product_const011.
include com_settype_attribute_const03.
tables: comm_iproduct, "#EC NEEDED
gc_program type programm value 'COM_PRODUCT_DELETE_SINGLE'.
data: gv_product_guid type comt_product_guid,
gv_prty type comt_product_type,
gv_syslog(70) type c,
lv_mobile_active type comt_boolean,
lv_delete type comt_boolean value 'X'.
data: lt_settypes type comt_frgtype_tab_ext,
lt_status_guid type comt_prd_status_guid_tab.
data: begin of lt_products occurs 0,
product_id like comm_product-product_id,
product_guid like comm_product-product_guid,
end of lt_products.
select-options: s_prid for comm_product-product_id.
*parameters: p_prid type comt_product_id obligatory,
parameters: p_prty type comt_product_type obligatory default '01',
p_logs type comt_logsys obligatory,
p_objf type comt_product_object_family,
p_send as checkbox modif id 001 default on,
p_usage as checkbox modif id 001 default off,
p_test as checkbox default 'X'.
if lv_mobile_active is initial.
loop at screen.
check screen-group1 = '001'. "disable field p_send, p_usage
screen-active = '0'.
modify screen.
* perform check_authority.
** Write syslog entry
* concatenate 'Rep. ' sy-repid ': ' p_prid(30) '/' p_prty '/' p_logs
* into gv_syslog. "#EC NOTEXT
* id 'TYP' field ' '
* id 'KEY' field 'C00'
* id 'DATA' field gv_syslog .
** inactive product are not supported here
* select * from comm_iproduct
* where product_id = p_prid
* and product_type = p_prty
* and object_family = p_objf
* and logsys = p_logs.
* endselect.
* if sy-subrc = 0.
* write: / text-001, text-005.
* exit.
* endif.
* read products according to the selection criteria
select * from comm_product
into corresponding fields of table lt_products
where product_id in s_prid
and product_type = p_prty
and object_family = p_objf
and logsys = p_logs.
if sy-subrc ne 0.
write: / text-010.
loop at lt_products.
* read product and enqueue
perform product_enqueue
using lt_products-product_id
changing gv_product_guid
check not gv_product_guid is initial.
if p_usage = on.
perform check_usage
using gv_product_guid
changing lv_delete.
check lv_delete = on.
check p_test = space.
* first delete the component of the IBase
perform delete_ibasecomponent
using gv_product_guid.
perform delete_extensions
using gv_product_guid
perform delete_settypes
using gv_product_guid
changing lt_status_guid.
perform delete_interlinkages
using gv_product_guid.
perform delete_pme_data "multivalue attributes
using gv_product_guid.
perform delete_decoupled_data "long text, longmatnr,
using gv_product_guid. "ibase prodvar,...
perform delete_status
using lt_status_guid.
perform delete_favorites
using gv_product_guid.
perform delete_clear_case
using gv_product_guid.
if p_send = 'X'.
perform send_deletion_to_mw
using gv_product_guid.
delete from comm_product where product_guid = gv_product_guid.
delete from comm_producth where product_guid = gv_product_guid.
delete from comm_product_idx where product_guid = gv_product_guid.
delete from comm_prwb_user_2 client specified
where client = sy-mandt and last_object = gv_product_guid.
wait = 'X'.
*& Form product
form product_enqueue
using iv_prid type comt_product_id
iv_prty type comt_product_type
iv_logs type comt_logsys
iv_objf type comt_product_object_family
changing ev_pguid type comt_product_guid
ev_prty type comt_product_type.
if sy-subrc <0> 2.
write: / text-001, space, iv_prid.
write: text-007. "Product enqueued
message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
ev_prty = ls_product-product_type.
** special authotirty check (with considering the assigned
** categories)
* exporting
* iv_auth_act = '06'
* iv_product_guid = ev_pguid
* exceptions
* no_authority = 1
* wrong_call = 2
* internal_error = 3
* others = 4.
* if sy-subrc <> 0.
* message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
* with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
* endif.
endform. " product
*& Form delete_extensions
form delete_extensions
using iv_product_guid type comt_product_guid
et_settype type comt_frgtype_tab_ext.
data: lv_db_tab type ddobjname,
lv_subrc_pr_guid like sy-subrc,
table_name_ref type ref to data,
lt_extension type comt_frgtype_tab_ext,
ls_extension type comm_frgtype_ext.
field-symbols: <table_name> type any,
<field_name> type any.
check not iv_product_guid is initial.
* delete extensions e.g. COMM_PRFREEATTR, CRMM_PR_TAX, COMM_PR_UNIT,
* COMM_PR_SHTEXT,COMM_PR_GTIN, comm_prprdcatr,..
perform load_extensions
using iv_product_guid
changing lt_extension
loop at lt_extension into ls_extension.
lv_db_tab = ls_extension-frgtype_tab.
check not lv_db_tab is initial. "CRM_CAT_SAT & CRM_CAT_PUR
* does table exist ?
call function 'DDIF_NAMETAB_GET'
tabname = lv_db_tab
not_found = 1
others = 2.
check sy-subrc = 0.
* Due to any reason (I don't know why) sometimes we have product_guid
* and sometimes we have frg_guid as name of the key field.
create data table_name_ref type (lv_db_tab).
assign table_name_ref->* to <table_name>.
assign component 'PRODUCT_GUID' of structure <table_name>
to <field_name>.
lv_subrc_pr_guid = sy-subrc.
if lv_subrc_pr_guid = 0.
delete from (lv_db_tab)
where product_guid = iv_product_guid.
delete from (lv_db_tab)
where frg_guid = iv_product_guid.
* delete history of extension table
concatenate ls_extension-frgtype_tab 'H' into lv_db_tab.
create data table_name_ref type (lv_db_tab).
assign table_name_ref->* to <table_name>.
assign component 'LOGSYS' of structure <table_name>
to <field_name>.
check sy-subrc = 0.
if lv_subrc_pr_guid = 0.
delete from (lv_db_tab)
where product_guid = iv_product_guid.
delete from (lv_db_tab)
where frg_guid = iv_product_guid.
endloop. " end of loop for all extensions
endform. " delete_extensions
*& Form delete_settypes
form delete_settypes
using iv_product_guid type comt_product_guid
it_settypes type comt_frgtype_tab_ext
changing et_status_guid type comt_prd_status_guid_tab.
data: ls_reldesc type coms_pr_org_rel,
lt_reldesc type comt_pr_org_rel_tab,
lt_reltab type ref to data,
ls_settype type comt_settype_ext,
ls_table type tabname,
ls_status_guid type crmt_object_guid.
<fs_reltab> type any table,
<fs_relrow> type any,
<fs_settype> type comt_frgtype_guid,
<fs_setguid> type comt_frg_guid,
<fs_statguid> type crmt_object_guid.
* memorise product status guide
ls_status_guid = iv_product_guid.
append ls_status_guid to et_status_guid.
* for all links...
loop at <fs_reltab> assigning <fs_relrow>.
assign component 'FRAGMENT_TYPE' of structure <fs_relrow>
to <fs_settype>.
assign component 'FRAGMENT_GUID' of structure <fs_relrow>
to <fs_setguid>.
assign component 'STATUS_OBJECT' of structure <fs_relrow>
to <fs_statguid>.
read table it_settypes with key frgtype_guid = <fs_settype>
into ls_settype.
check sy-subrc = 0.
* settype table
delete from (ls_settype-frgtype_tab)
where frg_guid = <fs_setguid>.
* history table
concatenate ls_settype-frgtype_tab 'H' into ls_table.
delete from (ls_table)
where frg_guid = <fs_setguid>.
* memorise settype status guide
if not <fs_statguid> is initial.
ls_status_guid = <fs_statguid>.
append ls_status_guid to et_status_guid.
endloop. "of links
* relation table (e.g. comm_pr_frg_rel)
delete from (ls_reldesc-link_table)
where product_guid = iv_product_guid.
* history table
concatenate ls_reldesc-link_table 'H' into ls_table.
delete from (ls_table) where product_guid = iv_product_guid.
endloop. " of relation types
endform. " delete_settypes
*& Form delete_interlinkages
form delete_interlinkages
using iv_product_guid type comt_product_guid.
constants: cv_db_name(8) type c value 'COMM_IL_',
cv_suffix_h(2) type c value '_H'.
data: lt_ilinks type comt_il_data_tab,
lt_reltype type comc_il_reltype_tab with header line,
lv_ddictype type dd02v-tabclass,
lv_dbname type comt_structure.
* first we have to read all ILs where the productguid is sourceguid
refresh lt_ilinks.
check not lt_ilinks[] is initial.
delete adjacent duplicates from lt_ilinks comparing reltype.
* read ilinkage customizing
select * from comc_il_reltype into table lt_reltype
for all entries in lt_ilinks where reltyp = lt_ilinks-reltype.
* delete interlinkages
loop at lt_reltype.
if lt_reltype-streltyp ne space.
concatenate cv_db_name lt_reltype-streltyp into lv_dbname.
concatenate cv_db_name lt_reltype-reltyp into lv_dbname.
delete from (lv_dbname) where sourceguid = iv_product_guid.
endform. "delete_interlinkages
*& Form delete_pme_data
form delete_pme_data
using iv_product_guid type comt_product_guid.
* delete multivalue attributes from PME
data: lt_pmemap like standard table of comm_pme_prd_map,
ls_pmemap like comm_pme_prd_map.
select * into table lt_pmemap
from comm_pme_prd_map
where crm_object_guid = iv_product_guid.
check sy-subrc = 0.
loop at lt_pmemap into ls_pmemap.
call function 'CRM_SCE_DB_KB_DELETE'
iv_kbid = ls_pmemap-kbid.
delete comm_pme_prd_map from table lt_pmemap.
endform. "delete_pme_data
*& Form send_deletion_to_mw
form send_deletion_to_mw
using iv_product_guid type comt_product_guid.
data: cv_function_module like rs38l-name
data: lt_product_guid type comt_product_s_tab with header line.
call function cv_function_module
it_product_guid = lt_product_guid[]
iv_test_only = space
internal_error = 1
others = 2.
if sy-subrc <0> 0.
ev_mobile_active = on.
endform. " check_mobile_download
*& Form check_authority
form check_authority.
tables: t000, comc_pr_tool_reg. "#EC NEEDED
* check productiv system - report must not be executed
select single * from t000 client specified "#EC CI_CLIENT
where mandt = sy-mandt.
if t000-cccategory = 'P'.
message e807(com_product) .
leave to transaction ' '.
if sy-subrc ne 0.
message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
* MESSAGE e808(com_product).
leave to transaction ' '.
* Additional step: registration
select single * from comc_pr_tool_reg
where program_name = gc_program
and user_name = sy-uname
and exec_date = sy-datum.
if sy-subrc ne 0.
message e809(com_product).
endform. " check_authority
*& Form delete_decoupled_data
form delete_decoupled_data
using iv_product_guid type comt_product_guid.
include com_product_const018.
* Deleting decoupled and customer requested data (long_text, longmatnr,
* upload registry, ibase product variants coming from R/3,
* archive verify registry). Documents like PDF,XLS,DOC,JPG stored in
* Content Management will not be deleted
* load BADI implementations
class: cl_exithandler definition load.
data: exit_obj type ref to if_ex_com_product_delete.
*& Form load_extensions
form load_extensions
using iv_product_guid type comt_product_guid
changing et_extension type comt_frgtype_tab_ext
et_settype type comt_frgtype_tab_ext.
data: lt_prd_cat type comt_prod_cat_rel_tab,
ls_prd_cat type comt_prod_cat_rel,
lt_cat_frg type comt_prcat_frag_rel_tab,
ls_cat_frg type comt_prcat_frag_rel,
lt_settype_guid type comt_frgtypeguid_tab,
ls_settype_guid type comt_frgtype_guid,
lt_settype type comt_frgtype_tab_ext.
refresh et_extension.
* read categories assigned to product
iv_product_guid = iv_product_guid
et_set = lt_prd_cat.
* only settypes
et_settype[] = lt_settype[].
delete et_settype[] where
( prod_comp_type = gc_prod_comp_type-extension or
prod_comp_type = gc_prod_comp_type-simple_extension ).
* only extensions
delete lt_settype[] where
( prod_comp_type ne gc_prod_comp_type-extension and
prod_comp_type ne gc_prod_comp_type-simple_extension ).
et_extension[] = lt_settype[].
endloop. " end of product categories
endform. " load_extensions
*& Form delete_status
form delete_status
using it_status_guid type comt_prd_status_guid_tab.
lt_status like crm_jsto_pre occurs 0,
ls_status type crm_jsto_pre,
ls_status_guid type crmt_object_guid.
loop at it_status_guid into ls_status_guid.
ls_status-objnr = ls_status_guid.
append ls_status to lt_status.
objnr_table = lt_status.
endform. " delete_status
*& Form delete_favorites
form delete_favorites
using iv_product_guid type comt_product_guid.
iv_object_guid = iv_product_guid.
endform. " delete_favorites
*& Form delete_clear_case
form delete_clear_case
using iv_product_guid type comt_product_guid.
data: ls_customizing type comc_product,
lv_clear_case_guid type comt_clear_case_guid.
select single clear_case_guid from comm_clear_targ "#EC *
into lv_clear_case_guid
where object_guid = iv_product_guid "active
and object_class = 'PROD'.
* normaly two entries for active and inaktive product version
delete from comm_clear_targ
where clear_case_guid = lv_clear_case_guid
and object_class = 'PROD'.
delete from comm_clear_stack
where guid = lv_clear_case_guid
and application = 'PROD'.
endform. "delete_clear_case
*& Form check_usages
form check_usage
using iv_product_guid type comt_product_guid
changing ev_delete type comt_boolean.
include sbal_constants.
data: cv_function_module like rs38l-name
data: ls_product type comt_product,
lt_product type comt_product_tab.
data: ls_logheader type bal_s_log, "Kopfdaten des Protokolls
lv_loghandle type balloghndl.
data: ls_msg_filter type bal_s_mfil,
ls_log_filter type bal_s_lfil,
lt_msg_handle type bal_t_msgh,
ls_log_handle type bal_s_logh,
ls_msg_handle type balmsghndl,
ls_msg type bal_s_msg,
ls_string type string.
* does CRM function exist
call function 'FUNCTION_EXISTS'
funcname = cv_function_module
function_not_exist = 1
others = 2.
message id ls_msg-msgid type ls_msg-msgty number ls_msg-msgno
with ls_msg-msgv1 ls_msg-msgv2 ls_msg-msgv3 ls_msg-msgv4
into ls_string.
write: /, ls_string.
clear ls_msg.
endform. " check_usages
*& Form delete_ibasecomponent
* text
form delete_ibasecomponent using p_product_guid.
data: lv_guid22 like sysuuid-c22,
ls_comp type ibas_dat1.
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