Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 3:36 pm Post subject: Print program code for generated PDFs
Print program code for generated PDFs
Author: Markus Meisl
Source from: http: /
You can use the following code as an example of a print program for the PDFs you generate. Note that you
need to place all form processing instructions between the opening and closing of the spool job.
* Printing of documents using PDF based forms
report zfp_solution.
* Data declaration
data: carr_id type sbook-carrid,
customer type scustom,
bookings type ty_bookings,
connections type ty_connections,
fm_name type rs381_fnam,
fp_docparams type sfpdocparams,
fp_outputparams type sfpoutputparams,
error_string type string,
l_booking type sbook,
t_sums type table of sbook,
l_sums like line of t_sums.
parameter: p_custid type scustom-id default 38.
select-options: s_carrid for carr_id default 'AA' to 'ZZ'.
parameter: p_form type fpwbformname default 'ZFP_SOLUTION'.
parameter: language type sfpdocparams-langu default 'E'.
parameter: country type sfpdocparams-country default 'US'.
* Get data from the following tables: scustom(Flight customer)
* sbook (Single flight reservation)
* spfli (Flight plan)
select single * from scustom into customer where id = p_custid.
check sy_subrc = 0.
select * from sbook into table bookings
where customid = p_custid
and carrid in s_carrid
order by primary key.
select * from spfli into table connections
for all entries in bookings
where carrid = bookings-carrid
and connid = bookings-connid
order by primary key.
* Print data:
* First get name of the generated function module
i_name = p_form
e_funcname = fm_name.
if sy-subrc <> 0.
message e001(fp_example).
end if.
* Set output parameters and open spool job
* fp_outputparams-nodialog = 'X'. " suppress printer dialog popup
* fp_outputparams-preview = 'X'. " launch print preview
call function 'FP_JOB_OPEN'
ie_outputparams = fp_outputparams
cancel = 1
usage_error = 2
system_error = 3
internal_error = 4
others = 5.
* Set form language and country (->form locale)
fp_docparams-langu = language.
fp_docparams-country = country.
*fp_docparams-langu = 'E'.
*fp_docparams-country = 'GB'.
* currency key dependant summing
loop at bookings into l_booking.
l_sums-forcuram = l_booking-forcuram.
l_sums-forcurkey = l_booking-forcurkey.
collect l_sums into t_sums.
* Now call the generated function module
call function fm_name
/1bcdwb/docparams = fp_docparams
customer = customer
bookings = bookings
connections = connections
t_sums = t_sums
usage_error = 1
system_error = 2
internal_error = 3
others = 4.
if sy-subrc <> 0.
call function 'FP_GET_LAST_ADS_ERRSTR'
e_adserrstr = error_string.
if not error_string is initial.
* we received a detailed error description
write:/ error_string.
message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
* Close spool job
call function 'FP_JOB_CLOSE'
usage_error = 1
system_error = 2
internal_error = 3
others = 4.
if sy-subrc <> 0.
message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
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