Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 11:37 pm Post subject: Remote comparison of developments
I have the same requirement and checked out how transaction SE39 did remote compare. This is basically RFC enabled function module RPY_PROGRAM_READ. I wrote this program which can mass compare a list of programs between 2 systems ( normally one being local )
I have build in a rather primitive logic to ignore empty lines and different option to ignore ident and spaces. If a program with 1000 lines has one extra line in one of the systems at line 300, the program will say there are 700 lines differing. The purpose is to find programs there are not exactly identical - a 'normal' remote compare can then be done. The program is created as hotspot that takes you to SE38.
The program compares ABAP code and program texts.
I have tested this on 4.6C and ECC 5.0 systems
The usual disclaimer about no responsibility applies.
report z_remote_compare .
* Mass remote compare programs
* Ole Elmose QRAOLEE 2007-03-12
tables : rpy_prog, rfcdes.
* Selection screen
selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame title text-001.
select-options: s_prname for rpy_prog-progname obligatory.
parameters : p_rfcde1 type rfcdes-rfcdest obligatory default 'LOCAL'.
parameters : p_rfcde2 type rfcdes-rfcdest obligatory.
selection-screen end of block b1.
selection-screen skip 1.
selection-screen begin of block b2 with frame title text-002.
parameters : rb_all radiobutton group spac.
parameters : rb_lead radiobutton group spac.
parameters : rb_no radiobutton group spac.
selection-screen end of block b2.
types : begin of gty_finaltab,
progname type progname,
version1 type versno,
version2 type versno,
changeon1 type rdir_udate,
changeon2 type rdir_udate,
changeby1 type unam,
changeby2 type unam,
count_abap1 type sytabix,
count_abap2 type sytabix,
error_abap type sytabix,
error_text type sytabix,
gen_text(60) type c,
selk type c,
color type lvc_t_scol, " color
end of gty_finaltab.
data : gt_source1 type standard table of abapsource.
data : ls_source1 type abapsource.
data : gt_source2 type standard table of abapsource.
data : ls_source2 type abapsource.
data : gt_textelem1 type standard table of textpool.
data : ls_textelem1 type textpool.
data : gt_textelem2 type standard table of textpool.
data : ls_textelem2 type textpool.
data : ls_progdata1 type rpy_prog.
data : ls_progdata2 type rpy_prog.
data : ld_progname type programm.
data : ld_spaces(6) type c.
data : ld_error_abap type sytabix.
data : ld_error_text type sytabix.
data : ld_count_abap1 type sytabix.
data : ld_count_abap2 type sytabix.
data : ld_count1 type sytabix.
data : ld_percent type i.
data : ld_text(50) type c.
data : ld_text_pro(4) type c.
data : ld_i_save type c.
data : gt_finaltab type standard table of gty_finaltab.
data : ls_finaltab type gty_finaltab.
data : ls_bdcdata type bdcdata.
data : gt_bdcdata type standard table of bdcdata.
*** ALV DATA ***
constants : lc_pick(7) type c value 'PICK'.
type-pools : slis.
data :
gt_fieldcat type slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
ls_fieldcat type slis_fieldcat_alv,
id_layout type slis_layout_alv,
repname type syrepid,
gt_events type slis_t_event.
* Cell color
data: ls_cellcolor_tab type lvc_s_scol,
lt_cellcolor_tab type lvc_t_scol,
ls_color type lvc_s_colo.
* CONSTANTS : lc_fname TYPE char7 VALUE 'STATUS'.
* First RFC call for program details
clear gt_source1. clear gt_textelem1. clear ls_progdata1.
* Get first ( local ) version
call function 'RPY_PROGRAM_READ'
destination p_rfcde1
language = sy-langu
program_name = ld_progname
with_includelist = ''
only_source = ' '
only_texts = ' '
read_latest_version = 'X'
with_lowercase = ' '
prog_inf = ls_progdata1
source = gt_source1
textelements = gt_textelem1
cancelled = 1
not_found = 2
permission_error = 3
communication_failure = 4
system failure = 5.
case sy-subrc.
when 0.
* Delete empty lines
delete gt_source1 where line is initial.
* Ignore program name in text
delete gt_textelem1 where id = 'R'.
delete gt_textelem1 where id = 'H'.
* Number of lines of ABAP
describe table gt_source1[] lines ld_count_abap1 .
when 1.
ls_finaltab-gen_text = text-003.
when 2.
ls_finaltab-gen_text = text-004.
when 3.
ls_finaltab-gen_text = text-005.
when 4.
ls_finaltab-gen_text = text-006.
when 5.
ls_finaltab-gen_text = text-007.
* Second RFC call for program details
clear gt_source2. clear gt_textelem2. clear ls_progdata2.
* Get remote version
call function 'RPY_PROGRAM_READ'
destination p_rfcde2
language = sy-langu
program_name = ld_progname
with_includelist = ''
only_source = ' '
only_texts = ' '
read_latest_version = 'X'
with_lowercase = ' '
prog_inf = ls_progdata2
source = gt_source2
textelements = gt_textelem2
cancelled = 1
not_found = 2
permission_error = 3
communication_failure = 4
system failure = 5.
case sy-subrc.
when 0.
* Delete empty lines
delete gt_source2 where line is initial.
* Ignore program name in text
delete gt_textelem2 where id = 'R'.
delete gt_textelem2 where id = 'H'.
* Number of lines of ABAP
describe table gt_source2[] lines ld_count_abap2 .
when 1.
ls_finaltab-gen_text = text-003.
when 2.
ls_finaltab-gen_text = text-004.
when 3.
ls_finaltab-gen_text = text-005.
when 4.
ls_finaltab-gen_text = text-006.
when 5.
ls_finaltab-gen_text = text-007.
endcase. .
* Remove space depending on readiobutton selection
if rb_all is initial.
if rb_no is initial.
* Remove multiple+leadeing spaces
loop at gt_source1 into ls_source1.
condense ls_source1-line.
modify gt_source1 from ls_source1 transporting line.
loop at gt_source2 into ls_source2.
condense ls_source2-line.
modify gt_source2 from ls_source2 transporting line.
* Remove all spaces
loop at gt_source1 into ls_source1.
condense ls_source1-line no-gaps.
modify gt_source1 from ls_source1 transporting line.
loop at gt_source2 into ls_source2.
condense ls_source2-line no-gaps .
modify gt_source2 from ls_source2 transporting line.
clear ld_error_abap.
loop at gt_source1 into ls_source1.
read table gt_source2 index sy-tabix into ls_source2.
if ls_source2-line ne ls_source1-line.
ld_error_abap = ld_error_abap + 1.
* Compare texts
clear ld_error_text.
loop at gt_textelem1 into ls_textelem1.
read table gt_textelem2 into ls_textelem2 index sy-tabix.
translate ls_textelem2-entry to lower case.
translate ls_textelem1-entry to lower case.
if ls_textelem2-id ne ls_textelem1-id
or ls_textelem2-key ne ls_textelem1-key
or ls_textelem2-entry ne ls_textelem1-entry.
ld_error_text = ld_error_text + 1.
* Put to ALV output table
ls_finaltab-progname = ld_progname.
ls_finaltab-version1 = ls_progdata1-version.
ls_finaltab-version2 = ls_progdata2-version.
ls_finaltab-changeon1 = ls_progdata1-mod_date.
ls_finaltab-changeon2 = ls_progdata2-mod_date.
ls_finaltab-changeby1 = ls_progdata1-mod_user.
ls_finaltab-changeby2 = ls_progdata2-mod_user.
ls_finaltab-count_abap1 = ld_count_abap1.
ls_finaltab-count_abap2 = ld_count_abap2.
ls_finaltab-error_abap = ld_error_abap.
*Adding the color.
if ls_finaltab-error_abap is initial.
ls_color-col = 5. "green
ls_color-col = 6. "red
clear ls_cellcolor_tab.
clear lt_cellcolor_tab.
clear ls_finaltab-color.
ls_cellcolor_tab-fname = 'ERROR_ABAP'. " Field name to color
ls_color-int = 1.
ls_color-inv = 0.
move ls_color to ls_cellcolor_tab-color.
insert ls_cellcolor_tab into table
insert lines of lt_cellcolor_tab
into table ls_finaltab-color.
ls_finaltab-error_text = ld_error_text.
*Adding the color.
if ls_finaltab-error_text is initial.
ls_color-col = 5. "green
ls_color-col = 6. "red
clear ls_cellcolor_tab.
clear ls_finaltab-color.
ls_cellcolor_tab-fname = 'ERROR_TEXT'." Field name to color
ls_color-int = 1.
ls_color-inv = 0.
move ls_color to ls_cellcolor_tab-color.
insert ls_cellcolor_tab into table
insert lines of lt_cellcolor_tab
into table ls_finaltab-color.
* Move to internal table
append ls_finaltab to gt_finaltab.
if sy-subrc <> 0.
endform. " grid_disp
*& Form fieldcat
* text
* --> p1 text
* <-- p2 text
form fieldcat.
data: pos type i.
*& Form progressbar
* text
* -->P_SY_TABIX text
* -->P_LD_COUNT1 text
form progressbar using p_tabix p_count.
ld_text = '% of programs processed'.
concatenate ld_text_pro ld_text into ld_text
separated by space.
percentage = ld_percent
text = ld_text.
endform. " progressbar
* FORM f4300_user_command *
* ........ *
* --> UCOMM *
* --> SELFIELD *
form f4300_user_command using ucomm like sy-ucomm
ls_selfield type slis_selfield.
* Per default, keep position and refresh screen with DISPLAY
ls_selfield-col_stable = 'X'.
ls_selfield-row_stable = 'X'.
ls_selfield-refresh = 'X'.
case ucomm.
* Double-click **********************
when lc_pick. " Doubleclick anywhere on line + hotspot
read table gt_finaltab index ls_selfield-tabindex into
clear gt_bdcdata.
perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLWBABAP' '0100'.
perform bdc_field using 'RS38M-FUNC_EDIT' 'X'.
perform bdc_field using 'rs38m-programm'
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=SHOP'.
call transaction 'SE38' using gt_bdcdata mode 'E'.
when others.
clear ucomm.
endform. " f4300_user_command
*& Form bdc_dynpro
* text
form bdc_dynpro using
clear ls_bdcdata.
ls_bdcdata-program = program.
ls_bdcdata-dynpro = dynpro.
ls_bdcdata-dynbegin = 'X'.
append ls_bdcdata to gt_bdcdata.
endform. " bdc_dynpro
* ........ *
* --> FNAM *
* --> FVAL *
form bdc_field using
clear ls_bdcdata.
ls_bdcdata-fnam = fnam.
move fval to ls_bdcdata-fval .
append ls_bdcdata to gt_bdcdata.
endform. " bdc_field
Please use these text symbols :
001 Selection data
002 Text compression
003 RFC Call cancelled
004 Program does not exits on RFC target
005 RFC permission denied
006 RFC communication error
007 RFC system failure
and these selection texts :
P_RFCDE1 RFC Connection 1
P_RFCDE2 RFC Connection 2
RB_ALL Include identation
RB_LEAD Ignore leading spaces
RB_NO Ignore all spaces
S_PRNAME Program name
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