Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 8:45 pm Post subject: ALV Grid: Display table and show details with Own Buttom
Display table and show details with added my own button to the grid toolbar. The function is the same as for double click.
print events
Used object:
cl_alv_event_toolbar_set (in event handler)
program z.
* Constants *
* Types *
class lcl_event_receiver definition deferred.
class cl_gui_cfw definition load.
* Data *
data: it_t001 type table of t001,
it_t001k type table of t001k.
* Classes *
* Definitions *
class screen_init definition create private.
public section.
class-methods init_screen returning value(this)
type ref to screen_init.
methods: constructor,
show_details importing value(p_bukrs)
type t001-bukrs,
get_selected changing p_rows type lvc_t_row.
private section.
data: "---- main list
splitter type ref to cl_gui_splitter_container,
grid type ref to cl_gui_alv_grid,
gs_print type lvc_s_prnt,
gs_layout type lvc_s_layo,
"---- detail list in an amodal window
grid2 type ref to cl_gui_alv_grid,
gs_print2 type lvc_s_prnt,
gs_layout2 type lvc_s_layo,
dialogbox type ref to cl_gui_dialogbox_container,
e_handler type ref to lcl_event_receiver.
methods fill_grid.
class lcl_event_receiver definition.
public section.
* methods for double click.
methods: handle_double_click for event double_click
of cl_gui_alv_grid
importing e_row e_column,
handle_close for event close
of cl_gui_dialogbox_container
importing sender,
* methods for additional button on toolbar.
* add own button to toolbar.
handle_toolbar for event toolbar of cl_gui_alv_grid
importing e_object e_interactive,
* handle user command when user press additional button.
handle_user_command for event user_command
of cl_gui_alv_grid
importing e_ucomm,
* methods for print events.
handle_top_of_page for event print_top_of_page
of cl_gui_alv_grid,
handle_end_of_page for event print_end_of_page
of cl_gui_alv_grid,
handle_top_of_list for event print_top_of_list
of cl_gui_alv_grid,
handle_end_of_list for event print_end_of_list
of cl_gui_alv_grid.
private section.
data: pagenum type i.
* Data *
data this_screen type ref to screen_init.
* Implementations *
class screen_init implementation.
method init_screen.
data screen type ref to screen_init.
create object screen.
this = screen.
method constructor.
data container type ref to cl_gui_container.
create object splitter
exporting parent = cl_gui_container=>screen0
rows = 1
columns = 1.
call method splitter->set_border
exporting border = cl_gui_cfw=>false.
call method splitter->set_column_mode
exporting mode = splitter->mode_absolute.
container = splitter->get_container( row = 1 column = 1 ).
create object grid exporting i_parent = container.
gs_layout-grid_title = 'Companies table T001.'.
* reserve two lines for the print_end_of_page event
gs_print-reservelns = 2.
call method me->fill_grid.
create object e_handler.
set handler e_handler->handle_toolbar for grid.
set handler e_handler->handle_user_command for grid.
set handler e_handler->handle_double_click for grid.
set handler e_handler->handle_top_of_list for grid.
set handler e_handler->handle_top_of_page for grid.
set handler e_handler->handle_end_of_list for grid.
set handler e_handler->handle_end_of_page for grid.
* call method 'set_toolbar_interactive' to raise event toolbar.
call method grid->set_toolbar_interactive.
method show_details.
data grid_title type lvc_title.
concatenate 'Plants for' p_bukrs into grid_title
separated by space.
* create dialogbox to show detail list (if not already existent)
if dialogbox is initial.
gs_layout2-grid_title = grid_title.
* reserve two lines for the print_end_of_page event
gs_print-reservelns = 2.
* create dialogbox container as dynpro-instance
* when the user switches to another screen, it is
* destroyed by lifetime mangagement of cfw
create object dialogbox
top = 50
left = 150
lifetime = cntl_lifetime_dynpro
caption = gs_layout2-grid_title
width = 800
height = 200.
create object grid2
exporting i_parent = dialogbox.
* register abap oo event 'close'. it is not necessary to register this
* event at the frontend (this is done during creation).
set handler e_handler->handle_close for dialogbox.
call method grid2->set_table_for_first_display
exporting i_structure_name = 'T001K'
is_print = gs_print2
is_layout = gs_layout2
changing it_outtab = it_t001k.
call method cl_gui_control=>set_focus exporting control = grid2.
call method:
dialogbox->set_caption exporting caption = grid_title,
dialogbox->set_visible exporting visible = 'x',
grid2->set_gridtitle exporting i_gridtitle = grid_title,
method fill_grid.
select * from t001 into table it_t001.
call method grid->set_table_for_first_display
exporting i_structure_name = 'T001'
is_print = gs_print
is_layout = gs_layout
changing it_outtab = it_t001.
method get_selected.
call method grid->get_selected_rows
importing et_index_rows = p_rows.
class lcl_event_receiver implementation.
* event handler methods for toolbar event.
method handle_toolbar.
data: ls_toolbar type stb_button.
* e_object of event toolbar is of type ref to cl_alv_event_toolbar_set.
* this class has got one attribute, namely mt_toolbar, which
* is a table of type ttb_button. one line of this table is
* defined by the structure stb_button (see data declaration above).
* a remark to the flag e_interactive:
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* 'e_interactive' is set, if this event is raised due to
* the call of 'set_toolbar_interactive' by the user.
* you can distinguish this way if the event was raised
* by yourself or by alv
* (e.g. in method 'refresh_table_display').
* an application of this feature is still unknown... :-)
* append a separator to normal toolbar
clear ls_toolbar.
move 3 to ls_toolbar-butn_type.
append ls_toolbar to e_object->mt_toolbar.
* append an icon to show booking table
clear ls_toolbar.
move 'PLANTS' to ls_toolbar-function.
move '@A8@' to ls_toolbar-icon. "ICON_PLANT
move 'show plants list' to ls_toolbar-quickinfo.
move 'Plants for the Company' to ls_toolbar-text.
move ' ' to ls_toolbar-disabled.
append ls_toolbar to e_object->mt_toolbar.
* event handler methods for user_command event.
method handle_user_command.
data: wa_t001 like line of it_t001,
wa_t001k like line of it_t001k,
lt_rows type lvc_t_row,
ls_selected_line type lvc_s_row.
case e_ucomm.
when 'PLANTS'.
call method this_screen->get_selected changing p_rows = lt_rows.
call method cl_gui_cfw=>flush.
loop at lt_rows into ls_selected_line.
read table it_t001 index ls_selected_line-index into wa_t001.
select * from t001k into table it_t001k
where bukrs = wa_t001-bukrs.
call method this_screen->show_details
exporting p_bukrs = wa_t001-bukrs.
* event handler methods for dbl-click event.
method handle_double_click.
data: wa_t001 like line of it_t001,
wa_t001k like line of it_t001k.
read table it_t001 index e_row-index into wa_t001.
select * from t001k into table it_t001k
where bukrs = wa_t001-bukrs.
call method this_screen->show_details
exporting p_bukrs = wa_t001-bukrs.
method handle_close.
* set dialogbox invisible
* (the dialogbox is destroyed outomatically when the user
* switches to another dynpro).
call method sender->set_visible exporting visible = space.
* in this example closing the dialogbox leads
* to make it invisible. it is also conceivable to destroy it
* and recreate it if the user doubleclicks a line again.
* displaying a great amount of data has a greater impact on performance.
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