Assigning Fields Dynamically

In previous releases, in the MOVE-CORRESPONDING struc1 TO struc2 statement, the field types of both structures had to be known to the compiler. This constraint no longer applies under Unicode.

In a non-Unicode system until now, there was no problem assigning structures with different Unicode fragment views using a MOVE statement. In a Unicode system, such assignments will cause a runtime error, even if both structures start with the same types:


BEGIN OF struc1,            BEGIN OF struc2,
  a(2) TYPE C,                a(2) TYPE C,
  b    TYPE I,                b    TYPE I,
  c(1) TYPE C,                c(1) TYPE C,
  d(4) TYPE X,                g(6) TYPE P,
END OF struc 1.               f(2) TYPE X,
                            END OF struc 2.

struc1:   | aaaa | bbbb | cc | dddd |

struc2:   | aaaa | bbbb | cc | gggggg | ff |

For example, the content of struc2-[a,c] (which starts with fields of the same type) is assigned to struc1. Until now, you could use a simple MOVE statement (although this could mean that the remainder of struc1 subsequently did not contain meaningful values). However, in Unicode, you must use For example, the content of struc2-[a,c] (which starts with fields of the same type) is assigned to struc1. Until now, you could use a simple MOVE statement (although this could mean that the remainder of struc1 subsequently did not contain meaningful values). However, in Unicode, you must the MOVE-CORRESPONDING struc2 TO struc1; otherwise, a runtime error occurs (because you are attempting to MOVE struc2 to a structure with a different fragment view). You obtain the same result in Unicode, if the field names of the start of both structures are identical at runtime.