RFC logon to target system (remote logon)

RFC logon within an R/3 system can be successfully undertaken using the same user ID even if the logon is to take place in a different client.

In principle, all necessary logon data for a particular RFC destination (language, user, client, and password) are used when an RFC logs on to the target system.

Typically the password field (for a particular user) must be maintained when an RFC communicates with other clients or user IDs.

If one of the fields language, client or user is not maintained for the designated RFC destination, default values are taken from the system environment (system table).


The RFC logon window does not appear if the initial function module call of the RFC destination originates from the system-specific function group 'SRFC'. The function modules RFC_PING and RFC_SYSTEM_INFO belong to this group among others.

If you would like to have an RFC logon window displayed regardless, you must end RFC communication to that particular RFC destination after the call using the function module 'RFC_CONNECTION_CLOSE'.

Be aware that no logon screen is usually offered when using trusted/trusting systems.

Documentation to authorization checks in the RFC environment can be found in RFC authorization concept.