Interfaces are independent constructs in ABAP Objects that support polymorphism
of classes. The polymorphism of interfaces is based on the fact that each class implementing an interface
can implement the methods of that interface differently. To the outside world, all interface components
look similar which is why interface references can point to objects of all classes that implement the
associated interface.
The interface concept exists independently of and in addition to the
inheritance concept. inheritance. The classes of an inheritance tree can implement any number of interfaces
but each interface can be implemented only once in each inheritance tree. This ensures that each interface
component has a unique name in the entire inheritance tree intf~icomp
and that, starting with the class that implements it, it is contained in all subclasses. Interface references that can point to a class of the inheritance tree can also point to all subclasses.
Having been implemented, interface methods are fully functioning components of a class and can be redefined in subclasses.