INSERT - Insert into a field group

Basic form

INSERT f1 f2 ... INTO fg.


Inserts one or more fields into the field group fg (see FIELD-GROUPS).


  1. This basic form of INSERT is not a declarative, but an operational statement, i.e. it must be executed at runtime.

  2. A field group can only accept global data objects, not data objects which have been defined locally in a FORM or FUNCTION.

  3. f1 ... fn can also be field symbols. You can then insert a data object into the field group dynamically at runtime by referencing it with a field symbol. Unassigned field symbols are ignored (no new field is inserted in the field group).

  4. The actual data transport is performed by EXTRACT.

  5. As soon as the first dataset for a field group has been extracted with EXTRACT, the field group can no longer be extended with INSERT. The field group HEADER cannot be extended at all after the first EXTRACT (regardless of the field group).


Non-Catchable Exceptions

Additional help

Defining Extracts