After you complete this chapter, you will be able to:
Programs in this and the following chapters use input and output formats that are set in the user defaults and can be different for each user. Before proceeding, it is a good idea to set your user defaults to match those in this book so that your output matches the output listings in this book.
Please set your user defaults now by following this procedure:
Your new user defaults will be in effect the next time you log on.
There are 176 system variables available within every ABAP/4 program. You do not have to define them; they are automatically defined and are always available.
To display a list of system variables, display the DDIC structure syst. You can display it by using the Dictionary: Initial Screen, or by double-clicking on the name of any system variable in your program. The first page of syst is shown in Figure 9.1.
In Figure 9.1, the field names appear in the first column and the descriptions are on the right in the Short Text column. To view the entire description, scroll to the right by clicking on the Column Right; Next . . . button at the bottom of the screen.
To find a field by name, press the Find button on the Standard toolbar. The Find Field screen will appear, asking for the name of the field that you want to find.
The alias for syst is sy (pronounced sigh).
In your code, you can use either name. For example, you can code
either sy-datum or syst-datum; they are exactly
equivalent. Most programmers use sy. Table 9.1 contains
a short list of commonly used system variables. Additional variables
are introduced throughout the book.
Current date | |
Current time | |
Current user id | |
Last return code | |
Logon client | |
Current output page number | |
Current output column number | |
Current output list line number | |
Vertical line | |
Horizontal line | |
Current report name | |
Main program name | |
Current transaction code | |
Within a select, contains the current iteration counter. After the endselect, contains number of rows that match the where clause. |
Listing 9.1 shows a sample program that uses system variables.
Listing 9.1 Using Basic System Variables
1 report ztx0901. 2 tables ztxlfa1. 3 parameters `land1 like ztxlfa1-land1 obligatory default 'US'. 4 write: / 'Current date:', sy-datum, 5 / 'Current time:', sy-uzeit, 6 / 'Current user:', sy-uname, 7 / 'Vendors having country code', `land1, 8 /. 9 select * from ztxlfa1 10 where land1 = `land1 11 order by lifnr. 12 write: / sy-dbcnt, ztxlfa1-lifnr. 13 endselect. 14 write: / sy-dbcnt, 'records found'. 15 if sy-subrc <> 0. 16 write: / 'No vendors exist for country', 'land1. 17 endif.
The code in Listing 9.1 produces this output:
Current date: 1998/02/22 Current time: 14:38:24 Current user: KENGREENWOOD Vendors having country code US 1 1040 2 1080 3 1090 4 2000 5 V1 6 V2 7 V3 8 V4 9 V5 10 V7 10 records found
Suppose you need to write a program that, given a country code as an input parameter, writes out the country description from table ztxt005t in the user's current logon language. As you might recall, ztxt005t is a text table containing country code descriptions in multiple languages. The primary key is mandt, spras (language), and land1. A sample solution is shown in Listing 9.2, but it is missing one crucial piece of information on line 5: the value of the current logon language.
Listing 9.2 is missing a variable at the position indicated by the question mark. When working with ABAP/4, you are often faced with the challenge of finding variables containing the information you need.
Listing 9.2 A Sample Program with a sy Variable
1 report ztx0902. 2 tables ztxt005t. 3 parameters `land1 like ztxlfa1-land1 obligatory default 'US'. 4 select single * from ztxt005t 5 where spras = ? "current logon language 6 and land1 = `land1. 7 if sy-subrc = 0. 8 write: 'Description:', ztxt005t-landx. 9 else. 10 write: 'No description exists for', `land1. 11 endif.
The current logon language is available from a system variable. Unfortunately, to use the Find button on the Application toolbar you need to know the name of the field. You do not know the name of the field, so the Find button is of little use. Instead, use the following procedure to search the descriptions of the syst structure.
This procedure is very handy because it can be used to search the descrip-tions of any structure or table. |
Start the ScreenCam "How to Search the Descriptions of a Structure or Table" now.
To search the descriptions of a structure or table:
For future reference, you can save the list on the Print Preview for xxxx to a text file on your hard drive. To do this, from the Print Preview for xxxx screen, choose the menu path System->List->Save->Local File. On the Save List in File. . . screen, choose the Unconverted radio button and press the Continue button. On the Transfer List to a Local File screen, type the name of a text file, for example, c:\temp\syst.txt, and then press the OK button. This creates the file on your hard drive. You can open and search through it using WordPad at any time, without having to use the "How to Search the Descriptions of a Structure or Table" procedure shown above. |
By following the preceding procedure, you have found that the current logon language is stored in sy-langu. The completed program appears in Listing 9.3.
Listing 9.3 Listing 9.2 with the Missing SY
Variable Added on Line 5
1 report ztx0903. 2 tables ztxt005t. 3 parameters `land1 like ztxlfa1-land1 obligatory default 'US'. 4 select single * from ztxt005t 5 where spras = sy-langu "current logon language 6 and land1 = `land1. 7 if sy-subrc = 0. 8 write: 'Description:', ztxt005t-landx. 9 else. 10 write: 'No description exists for', `land1. 11 endif.
The code in Listing 9.3 produces this output:
Description: United States
Line 5 limits the select to return only records from ztxt005t that have a language code equal to the current logon language. Because mandt is automatically added at the beginning of every where, the primary key is now fully specified and a single, unique record is returned. Notice that the primary index supports this select, so the fields of the where clause have been specified in the same order as they appear in the primary index.
An assignment statement assigns a value to a variable or field string. Three assignment statements are commonly used:
The clear statement sets the value of a variable or a field string to zeros. If the data type is c, the value is instead set to blanks. Blanks and zeros are known as default initial values. It is often said that clear assigns default initial values to variables.
The following is the syntax for the clear statement.
clear v1 [with v2 | with 'A' | with NULL]
The following points apply:
Listing 9.4 shows a sample program that clears variables and field strings.
Listing 9.4 uses a new addition called no-gap on the write statement. No-gap causes the next output value to be written immediately after the current one without an intervening space. |
Listing 9.4 Variables Set to Blanks or Zeros by
1 report ztx0904. 2 tables ztxlfa1. 3 data: f1(2) type c value 'AB', 4 f2 type i value 12345, 5 f3 type p value 12345, 6 f4 type f value '1E1', 7 f5(3) type n value '789', 8 f6 type d value '19980101', 9 f7 type t value '1201', 10 f8 type x value 'AA', 11 begin of s1, 12 f1(3) type c value 'XYZ', 13 f2 type i value 123456, 14 end of s1. 15 ztxlfa1-lifnr = 'XXX'. 16 ztxlfa1-land1 = 'CA'. 17 write: / 'f1=''' no-gap, f1 no-gap, '''', 18 / 'f2=''' no-gap, f2 no-gap, '''', 19 / 'f3=''' no-gap, f3 no-gap, '''', 20 / 'f4=''' no-gap, f4 no-gap, '''', 21 / 'f5=''' no-gap, f5 no-gap, '''', 22 / 'f6=''' no-gap, f6 no-gap, '''', 23 / 'f7=''' no-gap, f7 no-gap, '''', 24 / 'f8=''' no-gap, f8 no-gap, '''', 25 / 's1-f1=''' no-gap, s1-f1 no-gap, '''', 26 / 's1-f2=''' no-gap, s1-f2 no-gap, '''', 27 / 'ztxlfa1-lifnr=''' no-gap, ztxlfa1-lifnr no-gap, '''', 28 / 'ztxlfa1-land1=''' no-gap, ztxlfa1-land1 no-gap, ''''. 29 clear: f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, s1, ztxlfa1. 30 write: / 'f1=''' no-gap, f1 no-gap, '''', 31 / 'f2=''' no-gap, f2 no-gap, '''', 32 / 'f3=''' no-gap, f3 no-gap, '''', 33 / 'f4=''' no-gap, f4 no-gap, '''', 34 / 'f5=''' no-gap, f5 no-gap, '''', 35 / 'f6=''' no-gap, f6 no-gap, '''', 36 / 'f7=''' no-gap, f7 no-gap, '''', 37 / 'f8=''' no-gap, f8 no-gap, '''', 38 / 's1-f1=''' no-gap, s1-f1 no-gap, '''', 39 / 's1-f2=''' no-gap, s1-f2 no-gap, '''', 40 / 'ztxlfa1-lifnr=''' no-gap, ztxlfa1-lifnr no-gap, '''', 41 / 'ztxlfa1-land1=''' no-gap, ztxlfa1-land1 no-gap, ''''.
The code in Listing 9.4 produces this output:
f1='AB' f2=' 12,345 ' f3=' 12,345 ' f4=' 1.000000000000000E+01' f5='789' f6='19980101' f7='120100' f8='AA' s1-f1='XYZ' s1-f2=' 123,456 ' ztxlfa1-lifnr='XXX ' ztxlfa1-land1='CA ' f1=' ' f2=' 0 ' f3=' 0 ' f4=' 0.000000000000000E+00' f5='000' f6='00000000' f7='000000' f8='00' s1-f1=' ' s1-f2=' 0 ' ztxlfa1-lifnr=' ' ztxlfa1-land1=' '
Listing 9.5 shows a sample program that fills variables and components
of field strings with values other than spaces or zeros.
Listing 9.5 Variables Filled with Characters Other
than Blanks or Zeros Using the WITH
Addition of the CLEAR
1 report ztx0905. 2 tables ztxlfa1. 3 data: f1(2) type c value 'AB', 4 f2(2) type c, 5 f3 type i value 12345, 6 begin of s1, 7 f1(3) type c value 'XYZ', 8 f2 type i value 123456, 9 end of s1. 10 write: / 'f1=''' no-gap, f1 no-gap, '''', 11 / 'f2=''' no-gap, f2 no-gap, '''', 12 / 'f3=''' no-gap, f3 no-gap, '''', 13 / 's1-f1=''' no-gap, s1-f1 no-gap, '''', 14 / 's1-f2=''' no-gap, s1-f2 no-gap, '''', 15 / 'ztxlfa1-lifnr=''' no-gap, ztxlfa1-lifnr no-gap, '''', 16 / 'ztxlfa1-land1=''' no-gap, ztxlfa1-land1 no-gap, '''', 17 /. 18 clear: f1 with 'X', 19 f2 with f1, 20 f3 with 3, 21 s1 with 'X', 22 ztxlfa1 with 0. 23 write: / 'f1=''' no-gap, f1 no-gap, '''', 24 / 'f2=''' no-gap, f2 no-gap, '''', 25 / 'f3=''' no-gap, f3 no-gap, '''', 26 / 's1-f1=''' no-gap, s1-f1 no-gap, '''', 27 / 's1-f2=''' no-gap, s1-f2 no-gap, '''', 28 / 'ztxlfa1-lifnr=''' no-gap, ztxlfa1-lifnr no-gap, '''', 29 / 'ztxlfa1-land1=''' no-gap, ztxlfa1-land1 no-gap, ''''.
The code in Listing 9.5 produces this output:
f1='AB' f2=' ' f3=' 12,345 ' s1-f1='XYZ' s1-f2=' 123,456 ' ztxlfa1-lifnr=' ' ztxlfa1-land1=' ' f1='XX' f2='XX' f3='50,529,027 ' s1-f1='XXX' s1-f2='1482184792 ' ztxlfa1-lifnr='##########' ztxlfa1-land1='###'
To move a value from one field to another, use the move statement. The entire contents or a portion thereof can be moved. Instead of move, you can use the assignment operator =, as shown below. They are both referred to as a move statement.
The following is the syntax for the move statement. Operators and operands must be separated by spaces. Multiple assignment occurs from right to left.
move v1 to v2.
v2 = v1.
v2 = v1 = vm = vn . . ..
move v1[+N(L)] to v2[+N(L)].
v2[+N(L)] = v1[+N(L)].
These are two examples in Table 9.2 of the right and wrong ways
to code assignment statements. Incorrect coding results in a syntax
f1 = f2. | f1=f2. |
f1 = f2 = f3. | f1=f2=f3. |
If two variables have different data types or lengths, the data is converted when it is moved. This is called an automatic adjustment. If the lengths of the sending and receiving variables do not match, an automatic length adjustment is performed. If the data types do not match, an automatic type adjustment is performed.
If the data types of the sending and receiving fields are the
same but the lengths differ, a length adjustment is performed
as shown in Table 9.3. In this table, the sending field is the
"From" field.
When assigning to a longer field, the 'from' value is: | When assigning to a shorter field, the 'from' value is: | |
Right-padded with blanks | Right-truncated | |
Right-padded with zeros | Right-truncated | |
Left-padded with zeros | Left-truncated | |
Left-padded with zeros | Assigned if the numeric value will fit in the 'to' field. | |
If the numeric value is too large for the receiving field, a short dump occurs. |
The remaining data types (f, i, d, and t) are all of a fixed length, so the sending and receiving fields will always be the same length if they are of the same data type.
Rules for type adjustments are provided in Table 9.4. The conversion rules for type i are the same as for type p. Included are conversions with unusual behaviors. Points to notice are:
The sending field can only contain numbers, a single decimal point, and an optional sign. The sign can be leading or trailing. Blanks can appear on either side of the value. It is right-justified and padded on the left with zeros. An entirely blank sending field is converted to zero. | ||
The sending field should contain only a valid date in the format YYYYMMDD. If it does not, an error does not occur; instead, an invalid value is assigned to the receiving field. The results of using this value are undefined. | ||
The sending field should only have a valid time in the format HHMMSS. If it does not, an error does not occur; instead, an invalid value is assigned to the receiving field. The results of using this value are undefined. | ||
The sending field is scanned from left to right and only the digits 0-9 are transferred to the receiving field (right-justified) and padded on the left with zeros. All other characters are simply ignored. | ||
Valid values for the sending field are 0-9 and capital letters A-F. The value is left-justified and padded on the right with zeros or truncated on the right. All characters after the first invalid value in the sending field are ignored. | ||
The value is right-justified in the receiving field with the right-most byte reserved for a trailing sign. The sign is only displayed if the number is negative; therefore, positive numbers will be right-justified with a single trailing blank. In the event you try to move a positive value that contains as many digits as the receiving field is long, the system will use the entire length of the receiving field to contain the value without reserving the right-most byte for the sign. After considering the above, if the value in the sending field will not fit the receiving field, the number is truncated on the left. If truncation has occurred, the system indicates this by replacing the left-most digit with an asterisk (*). If the value does fit in the receiving field, leading zeros are suppressed. If the sending field is equal to zero, the receiving field receives a single zero. | ||
The number is interpreted as the number of days since 0001/01/01, converted to a date, and stored internally in YYYYMMDD format. | ||
The number is interpreted as the number of seconds since midnight, converted to 24-hour clock time, and stored internally in HHMMSS format. | ||
The date is converted to a number representing the number of days since 0001/01/01. | ||
The time is converted to a number representing the number of seconds since midnight. |
For a complete list of conversion rules, consult the ABAP/4 keyword documentation for the move statement. The procedure for displaying it follows in the next section.
Listing 9.6 contains a demonstration program that performs sample data conversions.
Listing 9.6 Sample Data Conversions
1 report ztx0906. 2 constants >(3) value '==>'. "defines a constant named '>' 3 data: fc(10) type c value '-A1B2C3.4', 4 fn(10) type n, 5 fp type p, 6 fd type d, 7 ft type t, 8 fx(4) type x, 9 fc1(5) type c value '-1234', 10 fc2(5) type c value '1234-', 11 fp1 type p value 123456789, 12 fp2 type p value '123456789-', 13 fp3 type p value 1234567899, 14 fp4 type p value 12345678901, 15 fp5 type p value 12345, 16 fp6 type p value 0. 17 18 fn = fc. write: / fc, >, fn, 'non-numeric chars are ignored'. 19 fd = 'ABCDE'. write: / fd, 'date and time fields are invalid'. 20 ft = 'ABCDE'. write: / ft, ' when you load them with junk'. 21 fp = sy-datum. write: / sy-datum, >, fp, 'd->p: days since 0001/01/01'. 22 fp = sy-uzeit. write: / sy-uzeit, >, fp, 'd->t: secs since midnight'. 23 fx = 'A4 B4'. write: / 'A4 B4', >, fx, 'ignore all after invalid char'. 24 fp = fc1. write: / fc1, >, fp, 'allows leading sign'. 25 fp = fc2. write: / fc2, >, fp, 'also allows trailing sign'. 26 fc = fp1. write: / fp1, >, fc, 'rightmost byte reserved for sign'. 27 fc = fp2. write: / fp2, >, fc, 'only negative numbers use it, but'. 28 fc = fp3. write: / fp3, >, fc, '+ve nums that need it use it too'. 29 fc = fp4. write: / fp4, >, fc, 'overflow indicated by leading *'. 30 fc = fp5. write: / fp5, >, fc, 'leading zeros are suppressed'. 31 fc = fp6. write: / fp6, >, fc, 'zero in = zero out'. 32 fp = ' '. write: / ' ', >, fp, 'blanks in = zero out'.
The code in Listing 9.6 produces the following output:
-A1B2C3.4 ==> 0000001234 non-numeric chars are ignored E ABCD date and time fields are invalid ABCDE0 when you load them with junk 1998/02/22 ==> 729,443 d->p: days since 0001/01/01 14:57:05 ==> 53,825 d->t: secs since midnight A4 B4 ==> A4000000 ignore all after invalid char -1234 ==> 1,234- allows leading sign 1234- ==> 1,234- also allows trailing sign 123,456,789 ==> 123456789 rightmost byte reserved for sign 123,456,789- ==> 123456789- only negative numbers use it, but 1,234,567,899 ==> 1234567899 +ve nums that need it use it too 12,345,678,901 ==> *345678901 overflow indicated by leading * 12,345 ==> 12345 leading zeros are suppressed 0 ==> 0 zero in = zero out ==> 0 blanks in = zero out
Start the ScreenCam "How to Display the Conversion Rules in the ABAP/4 Keyword Documentation" now.
To display the conversion rules in the ABAP/4 keyword documentation:
The portion of a field referenced by the specification of an offset and/or length is called a subfield.
v1[+o][(L)] = v2[+o][(L)].
where:The following points apply:
- v1 and v2 are variable or field string names.
- o is a zero-based offset from the beginning of the field.
- L is a length in bytes.
The length, when present, is always surrounded by parentheses.
- A subfield can be specified for either the sending or receiving fields or both.
- Either the offset or length is optional. Both can be present.
- If the offset is not specified, the subfield starts at the beginning of the field.
- If the length is not specified, the subfield extends to the end of the field.
- No spaces can be used within the specification of the subfield.
- The offset, when present, is always preceded by a plus (+) sign.
Listing 9.7 shows a sample program that performs assignments and uses subfields.
Listing 9.7 Moving a Portion of a Field Using a
Subfield Assignment
1 report ztx0907. 2 data: f1(7), 3 f2(7). 4 f1 = 'BOY'. "same as: move 'BOY' to f1. 5 f2 = 'BIG'. "same as: move 'BIG' to f2. 6 f1+0(1) = 'T'. "f1 now contains 'TOY '. 7 write / f1. 8 f1(1) = 'J'. "same as: f1+0(1) = 'J'. 9 write / f1. "f1 now contains 'JOY '. 10 f1(1) = f2. "same as: f1(1) = f2(1). 11 write / f1. "f1 now contains 'BOY '. 12 f1+4 = f1. "same as: f1+4(3) = f1(3). 13 write / f1. "f1 now contains 'BOY BOY'. 14 f1(3) = f2(3). "same as: f1+0(3) = f2+0(3). 15 write / f1. "f1 now contains 'BIG BOY'.
The code in Listing 9.7 produces this output:
With move, a field string name specified without a component name is treated as if it were a variable of type c. Figure 9.2 and Listing 9.8 illustrate this point.
Listing 9.8 The MOVE
Statement Treats a Field String Name without a Component Name
like a Variable of Type C
1 report ztx0908. 2 data: f1(4) value 'ABCD', 3 begin of s1, 4 c1(1), 5 c2(2), 6 c3(1), 7 end of s1. 8 s1 = f1. "s1 is treated as a char 4 variable 9 write: / s1, "writes ABCD 10 / s1-c1, s1-c2, s1-c3. "writes A BC D
The code in Listing 9.8 produces this output:
If the sending field is category character (types c, n, d, t, or x) and the target is a field string containing a numeric field (types i, p, or f), no data conversion is performed. The move proceeds as if both were purely character. The reverse is also true. No conversions are performed when moving a numeric to a field string containing a character field. In both cases, the results are invalid and are undefined.
Listing 9.9 shows a sample program that make an invalid conversion of a numeric field to a character field string.
Listing 9.9 Moving a Numeric Field to a Character
Field String Is Invalid
1 report ztx0909. 2 data: fc(5) type c, 3 begin of s, 4 fi type i, 5 end of s. 6 7 fc = '1234'. 8 s = fc. "c<-c, no conversion performed 9 write s-fi. "writes junk 10 11 s-fi = 1234. "assign a valid value 12 fc = s. "c<-c, no conversion performed 13 write / fc. "writes junk 14 15 s-fi = 1234. "assign a valid value 16 fc = s-fi. "c<-i conversion performed 17 write / fc. "writes 1234
On my machine, the code in Listing 9.9 produces the following output. Your results might vary for the first two lines of output due to the invalid assignments performed.
875770,417 "### 1234
You should not move a type c variable to or from a field string containing a numeric type. The results are machine-dependent and therefore undefined. |
You can use the move statement on two field strings if both strings contain components of only character data types (c, n, d, t, and x). Listing 9.10 illustrates this concept.
Listing 9.10 Using MOVE
with Two Field Strings Composed Entirely of Valid Character Data
1 report ztx0910. 2 data: begin of s1, 3 d1 type d value '19980217', "8 bytes 4 n1(4) type n value '1234', "4 bytes 5 c1 value 'A', "1 byte 6 c2 value 'B', "1 byte 7 end of s1, 8 begin of s2, 9 y1(4) type n, "4 bytes 10 m1(2) type c, "2 bytes 11 d1(2) type n, "2 bytes 12 n1(2) type c, "2 bytes 13 c1(4) type c, "4 bytes 14 end of s2. 15 s2 = s1. 16 write: / s1, 17 / s2, 18 / s1-d1, s1-n1, s1-c1, s1-c2, 19 / s2-y1, s2-m1, s2-d1, s2-n1, s2-c1.
The code in Listing 9.10 produces this output:
199802171234AB 199802171234AB 19980217 1234 A B 1998 02 17 12 34AB
Most operating systems require the machine address of numeric fields to conform to specific rules. For example, the address of a four-byte integer might be required to be divisible by two. That rule is often stated as "a four-byte integer must be aligned on an even byte boundary." Thus, the rule to which the address of a field conforms is called the alignment.
In order to satisfy alignment requirements, a typical compiler will insert padding bytes before a field that requires alignment. For example, if your four-byte integer begins at offset 0003 from the beginning of a program, a padding byte is necessary to align it on a two-byte boundary. The compiler will place an unused byte at offset 0003 so that the integer begins at offset 0004, causing it to be properly aligned. Padding bytes are invisible to the programmer, but their effects can be seen at times.
If you create a field string having a mixture of character and numeric fields, padding bytes are sometimes inserted by the system to bring numeric fields into alignment. If you attempt to use a move statement on such a field string to move its contents to another, these padding bytes can cause unexpected results.
Therefore, you can only use move if one of the following is true:If both the sending and receiving fields are entirely composed of character fields, no padding bytes will exist and the result of using move is predictable. If there is a mixture of character and numeric types, padding bytes might exist and the result of using move can be unexpected. An example is shown in Listing 9.11.
- Both field strings consist entirely of character fields (types c, n, d, t, and x).
- The data types, lengths, and position of all components in both field strings match exactly (the names of the components do not have to match).
The move-corresponding statement can be used to move field strings that have a mixture of character and numeric data types. It is described in the following section. |
Listing 9.11 Padding Bytes Can Cause Unexpected
Results When Moving Data Between Field Strings
1 report ztx0911. 2 data: begin of s1, 3 c1 value 'A', "one byte 4 c2 type i value 1234, "four bytes, usually needs padding 5 c3 value 'B', "one byte 6 end of s1, 7 begin of s2, 8 c1, "one byte 9 c2(4), "four bytes, no padding 10 c3, "one byte 11 end of s2, 12 begin of s3, "s3 matches s1 exactly: 13 x1, "- data types the same 14 x2 type i, "- number of fields the same 15 x3, "- fields in the same order 16 end of s3. "(names don't have to match) 17 s2 = s1. 18 write: / s2-c1, s2-c2, s2-c3. 19 s3 = s1. 20 write: / s3-x1, s3-x2, s3-x3.
On my system, the code in Listing 9.11 produces the following output. In your system, results might vary for fields with invalid assignments.
A ###" # A 1,234 B
s1-c1 is only one byte long, so c2 has an uneven offset from the beginning of the field string and requires padding on most systems, which makes s1 longer than s2. When s1 is assigned to s2, c3 does not line up and some of s1-c2 ends up at the beginning of s2-c3. However, s3 matches s1 exactly, so the move on line 14 works perfectly.
This example shows that you can't ignore the effects of having numeric fields within a structure. The fact that each receiving field has the same number of bytes as each sending field is not enough to guarantee that the components will line up.
Alignment rules vary with the operating system, so the number of padding bytes and their positions vary. The results of a move on one operating system might be different on another. Therefore, to ensure that your programs are portable, never rely on padding bytes and don't consider them during moves. Each field string must be composed entirely of character data types or all components of each field string must match exactly (except for the name).
To perform a move from one field string to another where the data types and/or lengths do not match, use the move-corresponding statement. It generates individual move statements for components with matching names. Components in the receiving field string that do not have a matching name in the sending field string are not changed. Listing 9.12 illustrates.
The following is the syntax for the move statement. Operators and operands must be separated by spaces. Multiple assignment occurs from right to left.
move-corresponding v1 to v2.
Statement Generates Individual MOVE
Statements and Thus Performs Data Conversion
1 report ztx0912. 2 data: begin of s1, 3 c1 type p decimals 2 value '1234.56', 4 c2(3) value 'ABC', 5 c3(4) value '1234', 6 end of s1, 7 begin of s2, 8 c1(8), 9 x2(3) value 'XYZ', 10 c3 type i, 11 end of s2. 12 write: / 's1 :', s1-c1, s1-c2, s1-c3. 13 write: / 's2 before move-corresponding:', s2-c1, s2-x2, s2-c3. 14 move-corresponding s1 to s2. "same as coding the following two statements 15 * move s1-c1 to s2-c1. "performs conversion 16 * move s1-c3 to s2-c3. "performs conversion 17 write: / 's2 after move-corresponding:', s2-c1, s2-x2, s2-c3.
The code in Listing 9.12 produces this output:
s1 : 1,234.56 ABC 1234 s2 before move-corresponding: XYZ 0 s2 after move-corresponding: 1234.56 XYZ 1,234
Line 14 generates two move statements; for sake of clarity, they are shown within comments on lines 15 and 16. Normally, you cannot see these move statements; the system generates and executes them automatically "behind the scenes." One move is generated for each component of the receiving field string that has the same name as a component in the sending field string. In this case, c1 and c3 have the same names, so two moves are generated. Data conversions are performed as they would be if you had coded these statements yourself. The contents of c2 are unchanged after the move-corresponding completes.
You can perform calculations using the following statements:
Compute is the statement most commonly used to perform calculations.
If two field strings match exactly, don't use move-corresponding to move the data from one to another. Use move, it's more efficient. |
The following is the syntax for the compute statement. Operators and operands must be separated by spaces. More than one operator per statement is permitted.
compute v3 = v1 op v2 [op vn ...].
v3 = v2 op v2 [op vn ...].
where:Table 9.5 contains a list of the valid operators.
- v3 is the receiving variable for the result of the computation.
- v1, v2, and vn are the operands.
- op is a mathematical operator.
Addition | |
Subtraction | |
Multiplication | |
Division | |
Exponentiation | |
Integer division | |
Remainder of integer division |
There are also built-in functions. For a list, obtain F1 help for the keyword compute.
Operator precedence is as follows:Division by zero results in a short dump unless the operands are both zero. In that case, the result is zero. Values are converted when necessary during computation. The rules for data conversion and the order of data type precedence (described below with the if statement) determine how the conversion is performed.
- Built-in functions are evaluated,
- then exponentiation,
- then *, /, DIV, and MOD, in the order they appear in the expression,
- then + and - in the order they appear in the expression.
Mathematical expressions can contain any number of parentheses. Each must be preceded and followed by at least one space. However, there is one exception to this rule. There cannot be a space after a built-in function name; the opening parenthesis must follow it immediately. Table 9.6 shows the right and wrong ways to code mathematical expressions.
f1 = f2 + f3. | f1 = f2+f3. |
f1 = ( f2 + f3 ) * f4. | f1 = (f2 + f3) * f4. |
f1 = sqrt( f2 ). | f1 = sqrt ( f2 ). |
f1 = sqrt(f2). |
The check box Fixed Point Arithmetic in the Program Attributes screen controls how decimal calculations are performed and should always be checked. If it is, intermediate results are calculated to 31 decimal places and then rounded off when assigned to the result variable. If it is not, intermediate results do not have any decimal places, which causes the loss of all decimal precision. For example, if Fixed Point Arithmetic is not checked, the calculation 1 / 3 * 3 will give a result of zero because the intermediate result of 0.333333 is rounded off to zero before being multiplied by 3. When it is checked, the result is 1.
Use the add statement to add one number to another. Field strings with components having the same name can be added together with add-corresponding.
Following is the syntax for the add statement. Conversions are performed as necessary in the same way as the compute statement.
add v1 to v2.
where:The syntax for the subtract, multiply, and divide is similar.
- v2 is the variable being added to.
- v1 is the variable added to v2.
Below is the syntax for the add-corresponding statement.
add-corresponding s1 to s2.
where:An add statement is generated for each pair of components having the same name in s1 and s2. Data conversions are performed in the same way as for the add statement. Subtract-corresponding, multiply-corresponding, and divide-corresponding operate in a similar fashion.
- s2 is the field string being added to.
- s1 is the field string added to s2.
Examples are given in Listing 9.13.
Listing 9.13 Using ADD,
1 report ztx0913. 2 data: f1 type i value 2, 3 f2 type i value 3, 4 begin of s1, 5 c1 type i value 10, 6 c2 type i value 20, 7 c3 type i value 30, 8 end of s1, 9 begin of s2, 10 c1 type i value 100, 11 x2 type i value 200, 12 c3 type i value 300, 13 end of s2. 14 add f1 to f2. write / f2. "f1 is unchanged 15 subtract f1 from f2. write / f2. 16 multiply f2 by f1. write / f2. 17 divide f2 by f1. write / f2. 18 add-corresponding s1 to s2. write: / s2-c1, s2-x2, s2-c3. 19 subtract-corresponding s1 from s2. write: / s2-c1, s2-x2, s2-c3. 20 multiply-corresponding s2 by s1. write: / s2-c1, s2-x2, s2-c3. 21 divide-corresponding s2 by s1. write: / s2-c1, s2-x2, s2-c3.
The code in Listing 9.13 produces this output:
5 3 6 3 110 200 330 100 200 300 1,000 200 9,000 100 200 300
A date variable (type d) can be used within mathematical expressions. Assigning the result of a date computation to a packed variable will give the difference in days. An example is given Listing 9.14.
Listing 9.14 Date Calculations Using the Date Variable
within a Computation
1 report ztx0914. 2 type-pools ztx1. "contains ztx1_amalgamation_date 3 data: d1 like sy-datum, 4 d2 like d1, 5 num_days type p. 6 d1 = d2 = sy-datum. 7 8 subtract 1 from d1. write / d1. "yesterday's date 9 d2+6 = '01'. write / d2. "first day of current month 10 subtract 1 from d2. write / d2. "last day of previous month 11 12 num_days = sy-datum - ztx1_amalgamation_date. 13 write / num_days. "number of days since amalgamation
On February 22, 1998, the code in Listing 9.14 produced this output:
1998/02/21 1998/02/01 1998/01/31 354
A field-symbol is a pointer you can dynamically assign to a field. After assignment, you can use the field-symbol anywhere in your program in place of the actual field name. Use the field-symbol statement to define a field-symbol, and use assign to assign a field to it. The field-symbol name must begin and end with angle brackets. Listing 9.15 contains a simple example.
Listing 9.15 A Field-Symbol Is a Reference to Another
1 report ztx0915. 2 data f1(3) value 'ABC'. 3 field-symbols <f>. 4 assign f1 to <f>. "<f> can now be used in place of f1 5 write <f>. "writes the contents of f1 6 <f> = 'XYZ'. "assigns a new value to f1 7 write / f1.
The code in Listing 9.15 produces this output:
You can use field-symbols to create very generic programs. Suppose, for example, that you want to create a program that accepts a table name as an input parameter and displays the contents. You could not hard-code the field names on the write statement because the names are different in every table. You could instead use a field-symbol on the write statement to refer to the field of a table.
DO use fields of the same data type when possible to avoid conversions. | DON'T move invalid values into fields. |
DO use move-corresponding to move fields from one field string to another when the components have the same name but the data types and lengths do not match. | |
DO use the clear statement to assign default initial values to a variable or field string. |
I can use the clear statement to set a value to blanks or zeros, but is there a statement that can set a variable back to the value I specified using the value addition on the data statement? | |
No, unfortunately there isn't. | |
Can I use the move statement with field strings of differing lengths? | |
Yes, you can. They will both be treated as variables of type c. The sending value will be truncated or padded on the end with blanks as needed before assignment to the receiving field string. | |
Why do I need to know about padding bytes? Doesn't the system take care of that if I just follow all the rules? | |
Technically, yes, it will. However, as you code more programs, occasionally you will inadvertently assign a field string incorrectly using move. If you understand padding bytes and how they affect your output, hopefully you will be able to recognize the cause of your problems, and won't resort to a "hack" to make the program work. | |
It seems strange that I can assign invalid values to variables. What happens if I use one of these variables with an invalid value in it? | |
Anything can happen. I wouldn't write a program that intentionally relies on invalid values. For example, don't be tempted to use a special date value of all x to indicate something special like a missing date. The behavior of your program becomes unpredictable when you go outside the allowable boundaries of the language. | |
The syntax messages often don't indicate what is truly wrong with my program. Is it me or is the syntax checker way out in left field sometimes? | |
Let's just isn't you. My favorite of all time is the message xxxx is expected. It really means "xxxx is not expected." So when you see that message, insert the word not, and it will be correct. |
The Workshop provides two ways for you to affirm what you've learned in this chapter. The Quiz section poses questions to help you solidify your understanding of the material covered and the Exercise section provides you with experience in using what you have learned. You can find answers to the quiz questions and exercises in Appendix B, "Answers to Quiz Questions and Exercises."
Using the procedure called "How to Search the Descriptions of a Structure or Table" to find the following:
Two things are wrong with the program in Listing 9.16. What are they?
Listing 9.16 This Code Illustrates the Use of Some
Basic System Variables
report zty0916. tables ztxlfa1. parameters land1 like ztxlfa1-land1 obligatory default 'US'. select * from ztxt005t where land1 = land1 and spras = sy-langu. write: / 'Description:', ztxt005t-landx. endselect. if sy-subrc <> 0. write: / 'No descriptions exist for country', land1. endif.